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Code for gifs

Posted by Nestendo


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Everytime I try to add in code to put in a gif in the corner of the screen, when I save, it just strait up dissappears. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm using a code by Boogley that they posted here, but I still doesn't work. It worked when putting it in the Who I'd Like to Meet section, but it doesn't put it in the edge of the screen, it puts it in the middle area where all of your information is. I need some help with this, because I've been at this for like an hour now and am no closer to figuring out what I'm doing wrong...

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


What browser are you using, and on what device?

Also, did you remove that from your profile? I'm not seeing that style tag anywhere when I look at the page source

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Reply by Nestendo


I use Chrome on pc

I ended up removing the code all together, since it just wasn't working. It just strait up got removed when I added it to the "About Me" section, and wouldn't appear correctly in the "Who I'd Like to Meet" section

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