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Period problems

Posted by Kay


Forum: Helping each other

Hey i am really struggling hard with period cramps for the first time. any tips on how to make them not hurt has bad? also anyone got any remedy for severe headaches? god i js got lots of problems goin on. 

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Reply by Miso


Use a hot water bottle (if u have one and if u don't then buy it), drink warm tea and try to distract yourself with books or shows. Also make sure to stay hydrated

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Reply by Zona


depending on the type of headache you can massage different parts of your head. for eyestrain massage your inner eyebrows and the base of your neck, for sinus pressure massage under your cheek bones, for tension try massaging your temples GENTLY and tapping your forehead like you're playing really fast on a piano. hope this helps! :)

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Reply by Jinnicide


a heating pad works wonders if you're somewhere where you can comfortably use one, otherwise midol exists for a reason ;)

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