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{<so im kinda new to this homestuck thing...>}

I've just entered the community pretty recently and started to read the webcomic on my school computer(lol) and boy I really don't know what is going to come for me so if anyone wants to share some advice and support, please do! 

I'm really interested in the characters, and I've been wanting to know more about them especially the trolls they just seem fucking awesome. 

I shouldn't be too worried... right?

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I will say nothing but only that there will be a lot more characters to come. The ending flashes can be a bit of a letdown for some (if that ends up being the case for you I recommend The Crow Strider AU)

Be warned that your favourite character will probably die and come back to life over and over again.

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Reply by 𓆟 Gilbert !! 𓆟


Homestuck can be REALLY confusing! I'd recommend looking up any Homestuck act/part summaries for you to read along with. Otherwise, it's an extremely fun adventure once you understand the plot and advance in the story! 

Also, if you need anyone to explain anything, my messages are always open! 38D

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Reply by witchscarykid


everyone makes it sound way more shitty and intimidating than it actually is

my only advice is have fun and form your own opinions about it dont listen to what people tell you its more fun that way

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Reply by BracingStripes


Don't stress over trying to understand every little thing, unless you're the type that really loves to get invested in analyzing and theorizing about a story. There's a lot of stuff set up that makes no sense at first, but gets answered later on through weird ways. Just have fun and let yourself get drawn in, curious, and intrigued enough to want to read attentively. Reading closely and getting familiar with the rules of how the story's told will help you intuit so much. 

And don't skip the intermission! It's important to the kids' and trolls' story.

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