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Anyone else have dying malls?

I took some photos of Northtown (my areas mall) and it has a weird look to it.

Here’s one:


I put some more photos on my blog (and they aren’t blurry btw lol) I just didn’t feel like re-typing everything and gathering my links again so I just pasted the last link I had copied.

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3 Replies

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Reply by Carboniferous


Interestingly enough, a mall nearby me is actually thriving! Almost no lot in there is empty, and thousands of people go every day.

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Reply by EnderCatCore


the mall closest to me is still kinda active but i fear the day it becomes a dead mall. the feeling dead malls give off is so cool but at the same time rlly sad. i get that everyone orders stuff online now but idk theres just something so much more fun about a mall xP

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Reply by Bordox500


I live in the very edge of a metropolis, so i don't know how it is further out, but 4 me they're the same as always, full of people, no empty lots, ect. Closest thing was like in 2020, there was one that was practically empty and there was a weird room with a bunch of chairs. it rlly gave off apocalyptic vibes :v Sorry to hear that tho, Malls r a cool hang out place (only if u have money ( ˃̣̣̥△˂̣̣̥ ) ) so it's sad to see people get more and more isolated :c

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