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going through a breakup and dont know how to deal with it

ill try to keep myself short. me and my gf of 3 years broke up bc of the distance (was the closest relationship i had tho) and ofc i feel like shit now (the feeling that she'll fuck some guy i dont want her to fuck with is also rly shitty, idc if she fucks anyone else or has orgies but just not him.)

any advice or anything? i dont wanna talk about it with my irl friends bc i know they'll laugh at me behind my back or pity me wich i dont want

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5 Replies

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Reply by overcomplexification


distance? how far apart are we talking about here?.

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Reply by iAmThatKidYouKnowWhatiMean


poland germany distance

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Reply by Miso


Its understandable that youre upset and I think you should allow yourself to be sad and let your feelings out. Try to maybe find a creaive outlet for them or just do things that give you joy.

Poland/germany distance isnt't that bad though 

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Reply by iAmThatKidYouKnowWhatiMean


@miso poland germany distance isnt that bad for a short while, not for long term and when i can only see her once every 3 months

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Reply by nyq


Remember that you're riding out an emotional wave. It will get easier. One day thinking of her will hurt less. One day you won't think of her. And it'll be a day. Then a week. It'll be fine. 

When people say focus on yourself, they mean take time to rebuild. What did you lose of yourself that you want to get back? Did things fall to the wayside? Do you have things that will be mentally and emotionally nourishing to turn to?

Don't be afraid to reflect on the relationship. What did you love about them? What qualities did they have that you want to find in another partner? What qualities were red flags? And how were you as a partner too?

Staying present helps with anxiety, as well as grounding and breathing techniques. Do you have a mindfulness, meditation, or grounding practice?

+ Crying, screaming, etc are all friends. These "ugly" expressions of emotion bring us back to baseline.

Talking about it can help release the energy and connection.

And all of this with all the love in the world. Day by day things get better.

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