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broke up w my boyfriend n i feel wholeheartedly great w myself

this gon be kinda long

ok my boyfriend (i’m a fag) was shitty for a multitude of reasons but a. he put zero effort into our relationship—and when i say zero i mean ZERO, i was always having to text first to get his attention and initiating hangouts and paying for everything without even a single thank you, so much more but i don’t need to really get into all that, he even admitted he took me for granted—and b. he was… perverted? i guess? i’m still on the fence about it all

generally he was So insufferable and egotistical, always thought he was superior to everybody else when he was just basic in another font

and i’m a but disheartened at the fact that i don’t have anybody to cuddle anymore or do cute romantic things with, but above it all i’m glad to be out of it. the relationship was horrifically draining, i knew there was so much wrong with it but i was too scared of what would happen if i left, partly because he told me he’d kill himself if i ever left.

regarding the sexual stuff uhmm.. he never molested me or anything but he was still. weird. 

and when i say weird (weird’s not necessarily bad!! i love weird! i’m weird! some of his weirdness was charming!) i mean he was Weird. 

one of my closer friends to whom i told mostly everything thinks he groomed me, and that’s plausible. there’re multiple accounts from multiple people of multiple perverted experiences they’ve had with him, like groping and constantly posting about how he needed a hot goth mommy to dominate him, but i was the furthest he ever got sexually with. i have sexual trauma from when i was a child so i am totally asexual and hate the act, he knew this and i set plenty of boundaries and made it plenty clear that sexual acts made me want to rip my guts out, yet he overstepped them. again, he even Admitted to this. he couldn’t even wait until i was of age under the romeo and juliet law (FOURTEEN) and i found myself scrubbing my skin til i bled. 

anywayz yall that was my teensy rant ^__^

i feel so much happier and have a better relationship with life, can’t wait to grow up and follow my path that i want with my best friend

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Reply by Maxo


realmente el era una basura, debe ser bastante feo el sentimiento de no tener a nadie de la nada a quien abrazar o hacer las cosas que antes hacían, pero en mi opinión me parece mucho mejor que te hayas alejado de el, debio ser bastante feo ser el unico que ponia atencion a la relacion y hacia un esfuerzo para llevarla a cabo, espero que te sientas o empeices a sentir mejor despues de todo esto 

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