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asking for advice on dating (im a minor)

Posted by freshmeat


Forum: Romance and Relationships


so im in high school and I've realized that I have never dated EVER in my life like nobody has ever confessed their love for me, I've only been someone's valentine once. Hell, I've never held hands romantically!! But now as I am getting closer to the end of my sophomore year I wonder if I will ever find any at all. As a queer kid im worried that ill be shamed in my school by my peers.

I don't want to online date. I am not interested in that at all. 

But any advice on dating? Im socially awkward and shy which doesn't help though I am currently working on my social skills.

id ask a friend but most of them don't rlly take their relationships serious at all and most of them date for the sake of getting attention

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3 Replies

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Reply by Sc0rp1an


Don’t be dumb. Love is an amazing and warm experience, but if you’re dating just for bodies then you will end up unhappy and with someone you hate. Work on being happy with yourself and once you can wholeheartedly say you love yourself then try going out to places and interacting with others. There is always gonna be a chance but slot of the time the person you love is just gonna show up in your life and BAM. Good luck tho and remember to always respect both yourself and others when looking for a partner. (^^)/~~~

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Reply by Xenia Ryan


As someone who is probably 3x your age I can promise you this: it will happen naturally.  Do not rush to do anything or jump into diverging just for the sake of it. Trust me,  I've been there & done that and it isn't worth it.  For now just Enjoy being a kid. 

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Reply by weirdhouseplant


I don't think you should date for the sake  of never having done it before although I get why you're curious. Also don't take it so seriously, obviously have respect for other people and all that but dating should be fun, don't do it if you'll just be stressed or miserable the whole time. You're still a whole and complete person even if you've never dated anyone, there's no rush.

You sound like an american so I don't know how relevant my advice is. Meeting and talking to a lot of people is the best way to end up with a date. It's good to join some youth clubs or go somewhere regularly that other young people hang out (like a library). Even if you don't get a date it's a good way to improve yourself generally and have some fun. I used to go to a local queer youth club that was fun when I was your age.

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