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Where is a place you really want to travel to and why?

One of the places I want to travel to most is Turkey, maybe for about 2 or 3 weeks if I could. 

The reason is a little silly but I read this graphic novel (bake sale by Sara Varon) and one of the characters was Turkish and so I thought "yeah this place sounds awesome" and so now I wanna go to Turkey :-)

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


I'd love to spend 2 weeks in Japan, especially during spring! I'd love to see the cherry trees and various gardens in bloom. I've seen videos and pictures of some of the gardens, but I want to see them in person! I'd also really like to try some of the food there (both typical restaurant foods as well as some luxury things like those really expensive fruits). I'd also hit a themed cafe if there was one going that I'd be interested in.

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Reply by Jinnicide


pitcairn island because of its absolutely bonkers history

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Reply by luci


I'd like to visit both New Zealand and Australia, because I've gotten to know several people from those places living in the US, so I think it would help me to understand them better to experience their culture.

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Reply by Ame


id really like to visit like everywhere lolol, but if i could choose one place id love to go to japan!!

i was planning on applying for an exchange student thing to go to japan but my family doesnt have the money :(

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Reply by Ashley


For me, it's China. I keep seeing it in my dreams a lot, and I would love to go there one day.

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Reply by Jay
