So I remember seeing somewhere someone saying that leon has PTSD from the events of re2, now im not exactly sure if this is true or just a headcannon because ive never played re6, but if it is true, they had a perfect opportunity to show it in the remake.
So in the sequence in re4 remake towards the end when you're carrying ashley into the room where you cure the las plagas, instead of doing whatever it was they were doing with the hallucinations, i wish they had made the hallucinations of raccoon city, this would be perfect to show leon's ptsd, they also could've worked in some more hallucinations throughout the game to really perfect it. It would give leon a lot of character growth and depth in re4 remake. I feel like they tried to add some depth to him with the voice lin in the same hallucination sequence "This time it has to be different". This would be rlly cool and i think it would make the game's story a lot more connected to the overall RE universe, rather than kinda being a one off story that you could kinda skip if you were just explaining the overall story of the RE universe.
What do you guys think?