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does anyone remember ello?

Posted by adelxx


Forum: Reclaiming the Internet Group

i never used it but i recognize it. it kinda looks like facebook.


when i try to go to https://ello.co it comes up with error 1016. it's likely shut down

does anyone recognize or remember ello in general?

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Reply by Carboniferous


I've never heard of Ello. It looks like it didn't know what it wanted to be, though. Also, "It is estimated that 20% of sign ups remain active on the site one week after registration". Wow! Was it really that boring?

Reminds me of that Amino website. Remember, the one that YouTubers were shilling back in 2016 that is dead today?

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Reply by adelxx


^ oh yea i remember. i remember when in amino i literally saw roleplays nearly everywhere

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