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First Forum Post [Discussion Prompt Within]

Posted by Bravo


Forum: Retro 3D Artists of SpaceHey Group

Hello guys, welcome to the group!!

I am still getting used to using this website. In the near future, I will be sure to contribute to this group in the form of artwork I've made in Blender. I would really like to see other post their creations here though as this is a space for everyone; not just me!

I'd also like to host a group project at some point to help us to connect more as a community. This will not be for a while as the group is very small. Maybe at 30-35 members it would be ideal.

What are your thoughts on this? Also, do you have any fun ideas you'd like to see here? Additionally, what rules should we have? For one, there will unfortunately be no NSFW allowed. I just don't want to moderate that sort of content. What more would be ideal?

- Bravo

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