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Is it possible that in these times dating or marriage relationships last at least two years??

I ask because I've seen couples who don't even last at least two months anymore (in courtship) but when they get married they don't last too long either

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Reply by juwuli


I noticed and I think it's because before everyone was used to be married since they were young and that was like a real priority in life. If you weren't married, you were a failure. Now it's not like that, its not a priority anymore and that's because they don't last long. If something goes wrong or they are not compatible they just break up and that's all, life continues. But in old times, it was more important to continue with the relationship and that's why we see that most of the married couples aren't happy... they just want to keep going like that because that's what is normal to them, or at least that's how I see it.

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Reply by Jinnicide


of course it's possible, but not every relationship is has 'the right stuff' to keep it going past a certain point. You have to know what you want, why you want it, and how to get it and your partner has to be on the same page as well (shared goals, values, similar life-stages, etc). Real, stable, healthy, functioning adult relationships require a good deal of actual effort, and not everyone wants to do the work necessary to sustain them.

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Reply by Sc0rp1an


It’s not rlly about the times. Sure we have more freedom to love and marry but most people date or marry for the wrong reasons. Some are just because they want their families approval, some are purely for sex and go flat fast, and some are just people Change and they don’t like who their partner changed into. Personally, I think if you date then break up after figuring out they’re not the one is fine. But if the entire relationship is based off of selfish reasons, then obviously it’s gonna fail. Love is a tough thing but it’s nice to have when you find someone who is right for you, and all the you’s to come.

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