posted 1706466472
Forum: Games
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what do u think of the game and will u buy it?
i think the new intro is fire and the game has real good improvements. however i wont be buying it until it goes on sale. 70 smackaroos is cray cray.
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posted 1706616092
been thinking of buying it but I recently finished P4 golden and while I did like it for the most part it turned out to not really be my thing.
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posted 1706665599
oh nice. how long did it take u to finish?
posted 1706752598
I got my copy pre ordered
posted 1706772782
persona 3 is my favourite game of all time so ive been excited about it but im a brokie minimum wage worker and the game (in australia) is $110 T-T so yeah might wait for a sale
posted 1707780700
i played persona 3 portable and i Would play it if not for the price tag. def waiting for a sale <.<;;