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What is one piece of surplus you would own if you could?

Posted by ↑Mack↓


Forum: Military Surplus Enthusiasts Group

Here is a little forum for us to share the one piece of surplus we WISH we could get our hands on but just can't. I'm sure we've all had that feeling where we've seen an item prohibitively expensive or just too expensive to buy simply because it's cool...

For me, one piece of surplus I wish I could've got my hands on was a 6b23 body armor vest sold by Kruschiki Supply Company. Kruschiki was supplied a few battlefield pick up items from the Russo-Ukrainian war and was selling quite a few. They were on sale for a long time, all these torn up and burned armors, but they sold out recently. Whilst it would've been cool to own one, it simply was too expensive for something I'd never really use.

6b23 Body armor

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