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opinions on lace code

Posted by VX


Forum: Punkz Group

Group iss dry as hell so I am trying to get yalls dicks up, mouths yappin and fingers tapping!

Personally I do not think lace code is dead. If its talked about and actively used, then its not fucking dead. Only ppl trying to deny this in my experience have been the people trying to justify white laderlaces, which is weird af imo.

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8 Replies

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Reply by Leo Draven



depending on which local scene you go to, the opinions may vary. ik most ppl in the scene don't believe or use lace code bc of the "white lace witch hunts"(actual quote i got from elder hxc bandmate). they elaborate on the fact that in the late 2000s (2009-2011), "white lace witch hunts" accused a lot of ppl in the scene as yt supr3m3s1st and n@z1s (this is extremely anecdotal take, plz correct if im wrong). IMO, with more ppl coming into the scene without any prior education or research, important concepts, like lace code, will slowly die out, as well as other important information on punk traditions and history. 

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Reply by weirdhouseplant


I agree with the last reply, it depends on wether people in your local scene subsribe to lace code

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Reply by gelatine joe


so its come to my attention that theres a whole lot of baby punks here, so here what imma say. LACE CODE IS FUCKING DEAD. it has been since the 90s. you can still follow it by all means, but keep in mind that the meanings of certain colours may have chnaged over time. example: Red ladder laces are often attributed to nazism and boneheads, but in all my years of being both a Punk and a Skinhead, i can say that ive never met a single person with red laces that is far right. even i myself have red ladder laces, along with one of my very good friends who also has "161" tatted on her hand. thats my 2 cents tho, y'all can come to ur own oppions

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Reply by Avie


It is sooo fucking alive in my area because of sk1nheads, thus why I decided not to put on white laces on my boots even for aesthetic purpose. I do remember seeing punks mostly with yellow laces on when I was younger, but nowadays idk if they follow it too, to see a gritty punk is a rarity on its own

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Reply by ♡ Aniela ♡


In my opinion its Pretty much dead when it comes to all the random colors, but red and white still mean „this person is a dick”.

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Reply by ★ zhuva ★


as literally everyone here said, it depends on where you are and who you are. where i live, i havent even SEEN ppl who look remotely punk, much less anyone who's into the subculture, so you could say it was never even alive. ppl usually wear black cuz that's the default, but the few that mix and match lace colors didn't even know abt the lace code.

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Reply by VX


I totally get where y'all are coming from. Yeah I know that the code depends on where you're located, been knowing that. I'm just saying my opinion since from my experience, the people who've called it dead are either: 1. ppl that don't take part in lace code, the ones who don't ladder lace overall etc... ( that is totally fine, and you don't have to! ). Or 2. ppl who justify using red and white laddered laces, who after getting to know them more, turn out to be weirdoes who do agree with the meanings behind the laces.

Another thing that I'd like to add from my personal experiences - Where I'm located, there's a growing problem of even more boneheads appearing, where many do appear to be laddering white laces (white ones especially) and they have no problem inviting themselves into the community, since no one seem to look out for warning signs. A thing regarding to that, which just recently had happened, was that a new guy got into the community, then people find out that he's a horrible person, which then spreads and other people find out, so the guy sends a whole group of boneheads after those people who had found out. In times like these, I've discussed how lace code should be taken into consideration with many people, yet most don't seem to find it important.

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Reply by Skinflick_84


stupidest thing ever created cant even wear white laces in my area without being called a nazi because where I live most skinheads and punks still think that its a thing i hate this shit 

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