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Thoughts on the 60th Anniversary?

Posted by Hazel


Forum: Doctor Who Group

For anyone who’s seen it, what’s your opinion on the 60th anniversary episodes? Overall, I thought it was wonderful to see the 10th Doctor and Donna reunite, but I didn’t feel it was as grand as the 50th. Then again, 60 is a large number but the 50th is halfway to 100 so, a more significant number? 

It was a very energetic, lively trilogy, but I felt something was missing. 

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Reply by VitarrF


Honestly, felt more like a RTD era celebration than the DW itself celebration but i loved it! Wasn't a fan of Star Beast (but i love Meep and the way he was made) but as for WBY and Giggle — very nice and fun! I loved Fourteen more than Ten and Fifteen was great and mood-setting i want more of him really soo three more days before the new season lets gooo

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Reply by Keith


to me, the 60th anniversary was cool, with 10 and Donna reuniting, and it felt genuine. I like the toymaker and also the freaky mimic-type things. BUT once Ncuti entered the chat it was like. awkward??? It doesn't feel like the doctor to me it feels like someone pretending to be a doctor without knowing anything about the doctor. they say many things that don't make sense and contradict aaaalot of doctor who content.

some examples: 

1. in the 1st ep of the new series the doctor says 'You only get lucky (or have one chance?? something like that) with the gods and I can't do that again' ok?? 10 has met satan. FUCKING SATAN. I don't think a drag queen eating music will be that much of a struggle "babes"

2. The doctor is shown to have special abilities. in the first ep, again, The doctor heals a butterfly, or rewinds time on it? it's really unclear. But we hear time and time again from past doctors and we SEE from past doctors that the doctor isn't some god over time who can do whatever he wants, He's basically a human with a flying police box. Yes, the doctor has had special abilities like with 3 doing that neck squeeze thing but it's not magic or something. 

it's a really roundabout way of saying this but I HATE what they've done to Doctor Who. I almost feel ashamed to think that THIS is the representation that doctor who fans get. I just imagine some old American lady going on Disney to see... that.

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