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Give me reasons to keep reading Harry Potter

Posted by mucina


Forum: Books and Stories

Hey! I've been reading the Harry Potter series for a while now, although sadly I'm not exactly a bookworm, I'm currently halfway through the fourth book and absolutely fell in love with the first three.

I stopped reading in July due to lack of motivation. I feel like this book isn't that good, and everyone who has talked to me about the series always says that the first three are the best, which makes me wonder if it's worth staying focused on finishing the series or should I just look for new books to read (I'm a slow reader by the way).

The point is that I would like to get back into the reading habit and at least finish this book, but it's a little difficult, so I thought that if I can talk to someone who likes them and wants me to read them, I'll get the motivation I'm looking for.

So pls tell me why you love this saga or how this particular book made you feel while reading it! ᕙ(  •̀ ᗜ •́  )ᕗ 

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Reply by paragon


if youre trying to get into a reading habit, forcing yourself to read a book you dont like very much is a poor way of accomplishing that

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