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Favorite piece of surplus you own?

Posted by ↑Mack↓


Forum: Military Surplus Enthusiasts Group

Here is a good starting forum post, 

Out of all the pieces of surplus you own, which one is your favorite, and why?

Don’t be afraid to get too detailed, the more the better! Include a photo if you can and delve into the history of the object, its relevance to you (if any), and any other cool thoughts or fun facts about it!

One of my most practical items I have is the Austrian Anzug 03 lightweight pants. While they aren’t super uncommon, they are probably my most comfortable pair of pants, as well as being super quick to dry, they are great for work. I honestly wish I had more.

But my favorite sentimental piece is a T-block smock made by Kruschiki Supply Company gifted to me by my boyfriend : ) (check my blog for pictures and info on that)

Anxug 03

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Reply by Viktor


Probably my 1964 pattern Canadian Forces Medic kit. I initially bought this because I thought it would be neat to use as an actual bag I could bring to work from day to day, but I forgot about the Geneva Conventions' prohibit on civilians wearing the red cross.
Another, more compelling reason on why I should have bought it, is because it has TONS of medical supplies dating all the way back to the 60's (Including massively expired aspirin!)
I don't currently have a photo, but it is not so unlike this grenade pouch in design. Just bigger, with a long strap to wear over your shoulder, and no velcro on the bottom to hold a grenade.

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Reply by Musträstik


Definitely the Brazilian Air Force pin that I own. It's from the time of the United States of Brazil (before 1968)The pin.

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Reply by Viktor


I might as well post another piece! My Irish DPM pants!!
While technically illegal to own as a civ, I doubt I'll see much repercussion since I'm based outside of Ireland or the U.K. I got these bad-boys for the hefty price of around $160cad; paying a little extra to get a near mint quality pair, if not entirely mint.
I got them from Americana Pipedream Apparel, who have gotten into hot water with the Irish government for selling not one, but TWO SEPERATE DROPS of Irish DPM.
All of the extra deep pockets are very nice, and I like that they are cold weather pants; since 
I live in Canada.
If you're interested in APA's explanation on how they got their hands on Irish DPM you can read a little about it here.. But honestly, it's very vague and answers less questions then remains.

Side note: If anyone has an idea of what the small pocket on the (pictured) left-side is used for, please let me know!!

1st Image: Hot weather Irish DPM, taken from Reddit
2nd Image: Me wearing my cold weather Irish DPM on my way to work :^)

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