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Is dinosaur some kind of sacred animal in the scene subculture?

Hello. I've started to listen to scene music relatively recentely
and I've noticed that there are alot of mentions of dinosaurs: The whole
RAWR xD/"Rawr means I love you in dinosaur" thing, some bands, which
are labeled as scene mention dinosaurs in some way. I wonder what's the
meaning of dinosaur in the scene subculture and I'll be very greatful
for any suggestions on this topic.

Here are some examples of bands which use dinosaur in some way:

The Breathe Electric logo
The Breathe Electric logo

"Dinosaurs go rawr" ep and the song by Amy can flyy:
Dinosaurs go rawr EP and the song by Amy Can Flyy
«Carry On Monday!» and "RAWR!" by nickasaur:

«Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!» by Hellogoodbye

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