the title is pretty self explanatory but i will elaborate. yesterday i was talking to a male friend and he told me "guys only have problem bc of girls" and that made me furius. thinking ab it its so exhausting being in a world where everything its your fault. so not only i have to worry about being pretty and skinny all the time or im worthless, but also i have to be smart but too smart because its condescending and charming and happy but reservate at the right moment and sexy but no too much bc then i am whore, i have to be EVERYTHING.
like, you have to be so much to be a "good" woman and i hate it.
also, i hate that i seek validation from men, idk if its because of my past but its like everything i do has to be validated by a man and i hate it
i just wanted to hear feelings, experiences, thoughts from other girls about it and if you have "free" yourself from this stupid rules. txh for reading !! ^ ^