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frutiger aero •°γ€Šβ™»οΈ-πŸŒγ€‹°•

Posted by dam:3


Forum: General

do u really think that this trend is going to last??? i think no more than a few months, by the end of the year probably everyone is gonna forget it and think that it was another cringy trend lol :p idk, i like frutigr aero but i think is not goin to last that much... i love spacehey btw, is so much better than the other social media :D

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Reply by overcomplexification


no, a lot of these tik tok trends relating to nostalgia or whatever are inherently superficial for most people, I've only seen a handful of people fully embrace this "trend" by having their room fully decorated in stuff that fit this specific look, having windows 7/vista installed, etc.

but most people just want tech that is easy to use and set up, and considering the fact that a lot of the tech that had the "frutiger aero" or just "aero" look in its design is obsolete/unsupported/unfit for modern usage, I wouldn't be surprised if this trend only stayed in the "mmhm, that's a cool aesthetic... well, moving on!" stage.

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Reply by lily🌺🌴🐠


the trend won't last but the nostalgia will remain

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