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UFO Sighting

Hello everyone, first of all, I'm opening this thread to tell you about the time I saw a literally giant UFO. It all happened when I was about 7 years old, I was walking calmly down a street in the town where I lived, when I saw that everything started to cloud over, I didn't give it much importance since it was probably a cloud. Seconds later I began to see that everyone was looking at the sky, when I realized that, I looked too and I could see a cylindrical ship with around ten lights and a large light in the middle, it was still for about 15 seconds. until it disappeared, throwing the clouds out of the sky. We were all disturbed at that moment, my parents also saw it and remember it as even more disturbing. What do you think?

The closest thing I found is that reference imageUFO Reference

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Reply by Lex


wowow sounds like a close encounter!!!

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Reply by Gaticorniovoladornoidentificado


OMG yo recuerdo haber visto uno cuando era muy pequeña, recuerdo que era de noche y estábamos de regreso a la casa donde vivía entonces mire al cielo, y desde donde yo estaba se podía ver algo flotando con luces y todo.  El recuerdo es borroso, así que aveces pienso que es un sueño.

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Reply by YS168


last year, on the street in the evening, I saw some kind of flashing white light in the sky when I went to get water. It was just a blinking dot in the sky, and I wanted to film it when I got back, but two minutes later it was gone.

There are no spaceports or airfields in the region where I live, it was also too low for a satellite

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Reply by Nico☆


have you done any research to see if there's been anyone in your area who reported/posted on it? :0

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