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we all need a break from modern social media time-to-time

Posted by Ibuki Mioda


Forum: Life

honestly i think modern teens spend too much time on sites like instagram, tiktok, twitter, etc. all websites/apps built the same way to feed you a stream of constant media to keep you glued to the app! it's a lot and understandably a waste of time. sites like this give a break (no constant media shoved in your face, things to explore, people to meet, and much more) what are your guys thoughts? this is just what i was thinking ^^

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10 Replies

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


I think any site with an infinite scroll/continuous feed needs to be either remade or shut down. That shit is bad for your brain, and a lot of them employ the same psychological tactics casinos use to keep people playing. If we don't just walk into casinos on a regular basis because of how addicting they are, why do we carry around devices loaded with apps that do the exact same things they do?

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Reply by LuLu


This might be unpopular but social media should be forbidden to minors. Being exposed to a binary thoughframe and a constant stream of negative and/or fake informations at such a young age is detrimental for people whose brains haven't been fully developed yet.
I would not be surprised to find out studies that expose digital natives as more prone to be addicted to drugs/alcohol/gambling in a few years : social media is setting up for years and years of struggle against addictive behaviors.

Not to mention the promotion of eating disorders, school violence being taken on online grounds, or extremist political movements recruiting very young members through these platforms, like ISIS or QAnon did. There's currenly a neo-Nazi poltician on the rise in my country who owes a big part of his newfound popularity to a devout audience recruited through TikTok and Twitter... Most of them being cisgender white males, ang aged between 15 and 25.

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Reply by Pastel


I know this is a old post but I 100% agree with you! Honestly im getting pretty tired of all social medias, I honestly wanna delete em but im to addicted lololol

Ive been on tiktok and insta since 2017 so its kinda a part of me now that I cant easily quit >:(
so glad websites like these exist so I can just kinda calm down

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Reply by Kitchen Staff


I wish social media wasn't as addictive because I met some really good friends on social media that I wouldn't have met otherwise.I wish that the people in charge would do something about it but the majority of them are cis het men over retirement age who probably don't even know what a jpeg is.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I completely agree with you. Modern social media is toxic and too addictive.

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Reply by alice


For REAL. Modern social media focuses too much on profits and advertising these days. Capitalism moment.

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Reply by Creature


Honestly yeah, I still use a lot of social media but I restrict my usage to my home laptop and I'm staying less each week. I still have problems with being hooked on tiktok but I'm thinking about getting one of those cheap Nokia phones so I don't get tempted.

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Reply by Sanda✰


I think the same, I am already taking a break little by little, besides that I do not have instagram, nor twitch, nor most of the networks from tiktok, YouTube, facebook among others (≡^∇^≡) (which barely use and do not delete for other reasonsΣ(・o・;)).

Even so, I am hardly on the phone or playing games or on social networks, since I started my life has improved!!ヾ(^-^)ノ

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Reply by ☆pandora☆ (SKINS)


bronies traumatised me 

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Reply by HELL


Полностью согласна. Соцсети были созданы для того, чтобы люди смогли расслабить свой мозг после какого-нибудь трудного дня(НО ДАВАЙТЕ ПРИЗНАЕМ, ЧТО ДАВНО ДОКАЗАНО ТО..ЧТО ЭТО НЕ ЧЕРТА НЕ ПОМОГАЕТ!). Сейчас многие родители просто предпочитают отдать своё чадо на воспитание "интернету" и каким-нибудь детским программам,ведь:
- Я не успею за ним! Да и он так спокойнее и не мешает мне под ногами!!!                                                                                                                           :/, не круто не круто
Я сама сейчас наблюдаю такое за моей младшей сестрой, она постоянно в телефоне и мне даже кажется.. что она немного деградирует..Но ЛОЛ она даже ещё не в первом классе..И к сожалению она берёт манеру поведения не из семьи или кого-то близкого..А ИЗ БЛОГЕРОВ ИЛИ КАКИХ-ТО НЕДО-МУЛЬТКОВ ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ НА ЮТУБЕ..Меня очень пугает мысль, что скорее всего новое поколение будет действительно последним 

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