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My Shit Philosophy that nobody asked for

I don't know a single thing about earths past or present, but I feel that as humans we have totally overcomplicated everything for the sake of "convenience." This conveneince and all the systems we have in place to ensure our future are destroying us from the inside out. I believe school kills the artist. Since when did art become someting you could only create with anothers approval?Its about creating something that reflects deep and intense emotions; art is the only way humans can temporarily become something meaningful. Forcing the entire population into one standard is damaging to everyone, as no human functions the exact same as the other does. Everyones bodies, brains, and lives are so drastically different...so why is there such a rush to say and do everything right, to have the same accomplishments, live the same lives, have the same struggles (if any at all) and be acceoted by society???We dont need to be good at everything, we shouldnt have to care about others opinions so much, and we shouldnt be held to the same standards for ANYTHING because the processes and the outcomes of our daily routines we just never meant to be for someone elses sake. Humans should not know so much about things they dont want to know. No matter how stimulating a subject is, forcing people to learn it in short amounts of time is a disrespect to learning and human nature. You are completely destroying the beauty of knowledge and understanding. People live relatively long; being young and hot and accomplished just isnt working anymore nobody actually cares about highschool and Uni they just want it to be over. Everyone is waiting for their lives to begin. And if studying and public education is so important then why is it so difficult to get into it and be successful as an adult?? I just want to live simply, and responsibly, with and for all that has cared for me. School is worthless, let me apprentice under an artist, i would be carrying on a peice of someones mastery and creating some meaning in this timeless, meaningless existence. 

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Reply by Jaque Mateo


TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, specially with the art topic. I would love to do art for living, specifically traditional art, or any art major is fine as long as its art, but living by art is hard, expsenive, and so on, specially in my country which is very small, and I always overthink if I should really study art, cuz my dad has work his ass off for me to have a good education and I feel that by choosing art as my career path is wasting away all the opportunities of having a good economic stable life, but I dont want to end up misserable at my 30 just because I chose a job that would give me money or that Im not passionate about. I want to live by art, rot away doing art, everything with for the sake of doing art but nowadays life is all about, money, money, money. If at the end of everything we just simply die then why not simply do what Im actually passionate about and not live all my adult life for money cuz at the end I aint takin that with me to the after life so why not simply live doin what we love.

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Reply by I Am A God


by doing that you would also be living longer, as your art would outlive you and the people around you will appreciate your work. Always chose to enjoy life, money can only buy terrible things these days, the real value is in TIME and EFFORT. Time and effort can buy you a long, healthy, and happy life depending on where you live and the resources you have available.

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