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Discussion of Powers

How did you figure out you had powers? Mine came to me in a dream!

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Reply by YS168


in my case, it was a long process, the conditions of my current life were deliberately formed so that I delved into magic, then watched chuunibyou and all this array of information resulted in the collapse of weakened spiritual shackles, thanks to which I was able to discover my true origin.

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Reply by vivian


i suppose i've always had magic in one way or another; my true form was created with light magic production in mind. however, i truly "unlocked" my magic round about nye 2023, when i tried true magic for the first time instead of what mortals call magic (which is still magic, just mostly through the physical plane, mind you) and found that it was actually possible

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Reply by Homulily


Ever since the beginning of my existence, which I don't remember, I've been this. Sometimes I call myself a ghost, but that is only because there is no accurate term for what I am. I can only remember from another body I used back in the 1700's, so it's been a while between bodies. I don't really remember anything before then, so I can't say for certain the date I was created.

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Reply by SIRIUS


I've  somehow  always  been  aware  that  I  had  powers  of  some  sort.  They  strengthened  with  attention,  weakened  with  neglect,  as  does  anything  else,  otherwise  for  as  long  as  I  could  remember,  I  always  knew  there  was  something,  even  if  I  didn't  have  the  words.

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