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Why people are so mean...

Whenever I open tiktok I see someone beeing mean, it's so sad, I miss when I used to see roblox gameplays

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Reply by emmy


yeah. i see too much bullying on tiktok, it's insane. i thought it was an app to make fun videos? idk tho. kind of sad that people have to resort to negativity just to feel something on the internet

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Reply by bridgette


well ur first mistake waz opening tiktok XD but srsly its like an echo chamber but of negativity. Old things with sentimental value for people get dug up for microtrends, everyone is in a race to seem optically superior, and its just a bad app to use for ur mental health. Anytime you express urself its "goofy (skull emoji)".

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Reply by Carboniferous


It seems like most TikTokers are insecure themselves, and feel the need to put down anybody who actually has ambition

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Reply by Croissant_Official


yeah it's awful ! My friend today made the decision to uninstall that app and i'll probably follow her soon

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Reply by kuromi!🎀


seriously they need to grow a heart a think about other

(bad spelling)

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Reply by kuromi!🎀


seriously they need to grow a heart a think about other

(bad spelling)

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Reply by Rackster721


Yeah I feel the same. Sometimes I see people showing cool stuff they did and there is someone being mean in the comments. I always try to say nice things and hope the person focus on that instead of the negativity.

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