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Posted by gerahd.zip


Forum: Games

Do you know how to get 100%?


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Reply by 1st Generation


Sonic Adventure 1:


So for 100% completion, as i would put it, you would need...

  • All emblems in the Adventure field

  • All Characters 100% including the final story

  • All emblems in each characters stages in trial mode (this includes all A, B, and C missions)

  • All emblems in the sub missions (this includes any tornado acts, snow/sand boarding, and twinkle park circuit)

  • All Chao races

Total Emblems: 130

Doing all of this will grant you the bonus unlock: Metal Sonic in trial mode for Sonic stages""
- from the reddit post 

Sonic Adventure 2: 


Have you noticed that every time you finish a level for the first time, a little symbol of Sonic appears with a number underneath him? That is called an Emblem, and there are 180 of them total in the game. They can come from all types of different activities, such as finishing story mode, finishing all missions for a character, and even just doing stuff with your chao! In this guide, I plan to list out all of the Emblems you can obtain (and the minimum on how to obtain them). Be warned, if your after all 180, it will take quite some time (even for a veteran player!)

-from the steam post

yeah apparently 100% these games are pretty difficult. idk tho never played them

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Reply by Awooo


I download the 100% completion save file from Nexus mods so I can have ultimate access to the Chao Garden!!

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