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Adi Confirms More Survivors In CLH

So idk if anyone saw this, but a couple days ago someone got the chance to ask Adi Shankar, the creator of Captain Laserhawk, about some things in an interview.
One of the questions was if there are any more survivors from Dimension X (where Rayman came from), and Adi said yes there is.
The other survivors include: Globox, Razorbeard and a few Teensies.

How we feeling about this news??!!
I'm hyped because if Season 2 gets greenlit, this will be awesome!

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Reply by ✦bl4nkm4sk✦


I heard that in an interview he said that there were going to appear in S2 Globox and one of the villains of the original trilogy (don't believe me, I don't have sources)

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