So i'm from Corrientes, which is a province in the north-east of Argentina. Idk about other provinces but here in Corrientes, especially in my small town in the middle of nowhere, it's a commonly accepted reality that this thing called "Lobizón" (basically a werewolf) exists. Y'know, guy that turns into a canine-ish creature on full moons and stuff.
So the other night i was at my friend's house, her neighbourhood is known in town for the criminals and the guys that casually turn into a guaraní werewolf, her neighbour across the street literally sits at midnight under the porch with a loaded rifle. Ever since i was a kid i always heard rumours of lobizones in that area, even my friend told me some. It surprises me that when we heard her dogs barking like crazy we didn't even think that the lobizón was the possible reason behind their behaviour. Her older sister locked the door and the windows worried that the dogs were hearing someone that was trying to get in the house.
We were in her parent's bedroom downstairs and her sister was upstairs in her room trying to sleep, when around 4 AM her sister was coming down the stairs, like, quietly shouting her name, hiperventilating, and the goddamn dogs started barking again. My friend went to the living room with her, I stayed in the bedroom, after her sister calmed down she came up to me in the room and told me her sister looked out of her window to see if there was a person the dogs were barking at.
So she's got a backyard, and behind the house's backyard there is this empty space full of grass and other tall plants and weeds. I got scared as hell when she told me the description her sister gave her of the lobizón, like a slinky man with some hair and ears, a thing that walked like crawling and that she could barely see completely between the weeds in the yard.
My friend was visibly scared and her sister looked like hell so ofc i didn't ask for more decriptions, that was enough for all of us to stay fully locked up in the house and with no sleep for the rest of the night.