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Am I being paranoid? Or is this real?

This may take me a minute to explain so please read all the way through please!

So in 2019 there was a hit and run on a four way by my parents place.

Sadly the old lady who got hit died on impact.

There was a whole ass investigation that lasted a while.

After that incident there has been something off about that corner.....

Ever since the car incident there has been an increase of car accidents on that corner!

(Note: before that accident involving the old lady there had been no car accidents on that corner. Maybe a few close calls but that's about it)

We had like 5 or 3 just last year!

2 within a week of each other!

I could be paranoid though and just over thinking this.

But last night there was another car accident and it got me and my family thinking that maybe the four way might be hunted or cursed or something!

(no fear it was just a rear end kind of thing. No one seriously injured!)

What's odd about this one though is that some pieces of one of the cars from the accident is right in front of the little memorial for the old lady......

I'm still kind of new to this kind of thing so what do you guys think?

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3 Replies

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Reply by Lex


That def sounds spooky 0-0 But some factors could explain it like changes in traffic patterns or some instance of poor planning that causes so many cars to crash. But, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of paranormal forces at work. Hope no more accidents happen and thanks for posting your experience:)

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Reply by Celine └(・。・)┘


this def sound paranormal! A very similar situation happened with a friend of mine on a bridge. Some guy got hit and ever since freak accidents kept happening. My theory is that since they died so quickly the spirit is very confused and angry, so they mess with whatevers around them. 

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Reply by Raccoon721


That does sounds interesting, I don't think you're being paranoid tho, you seem to have reasons to think that there might be a relation between the incident and those crashes. I guess we could compare data of crashes before and after what happened, but it's definetly weird.

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