« Friends Forum

Is this how we do this thing?

Posted by Boogley


Forum: Friends

I'm honestly clueless on how to make friends anymore. I'm trying so hard to message people but I'm rusty and idk what's normal or not. I feel like either I don't message enough or too much. Either way people stop responding.

Could really use tips on how to make friends better. I feel like I'm totally failing and I'll be entering my 30's as a complete loner.

If you're reading this and have room in your friend space. Check out my profile maybe we have something in common? I will have the humility and say that I could really use a friend. 

Anyways, thanks to anyone that gave the time to even read this.

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Reply by El


I can relate to making friends, often talking to much or to little is difficult to judge. Always cool to see another stardrew valley player here thou so I don't mind if u want to be friends :)

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