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I want hear your CreppyPastas! 7w7r

Quiero escuchar creppypastas desconocidas, lo siento, mi inglés, soy de España: 3

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6 Replies

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Reply by Juliette


Me also; i Cant keep reading Annora Petrova on a loop

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Reply by HΣX


I don't know if it counts as a creepypasta, but I wrote a short horror story on my blog if y'all would like to read it.

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Reply by Amoni Warren


The Legend of The Goat Man even tho it’s common it always has been interesting to me .  

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Reply by Amoni Warren


The Legend of The Goat Man even tho it’s common it always has been interesting to me .  

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Reply by _666_


hOla R0FL!! sOy de aRgentiNa y eN mI sEundA cuenTa crEE UN nUevO creppYpasta

este es el LiNk:



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Reply by R00by!


The Lost Boy

I made this ages ago when I kinda liked creepypastas. It's based on the Silver Creepypasta game's alt path.

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