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anyone using old school nokia or wants to start using it?


i bought a nokia 3310 re-release in sept 22 and i must say it made my life a little bit better at least. i feel like i am more present when im with friends or away from home (where i have an iphone just to play music, use other apps when im inside)

what's ur experiences? and if u don't have one, would you consider trying the same?

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Reply by lime360


i have an original nokia 3310 but it couldn't work properly because it doesn't support my secondary sim card

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Reply by Virtual Insanity


I use a degoogled Android for my main phone, though I don't have it loaded up with loads of web apps constantly pinging notifications or anything, it's fairly minimal.  

I use an original 3310 with another SIM for 2FA, don't want to mix that number with my social number, so when a company gets that number for 2FA they're not getting something that's been uploaded from someone else's contact list.

2G will be getting switched off here at some point though, but where I am they're further along with the shutdown of 3G.  Probably the 3G frequencies are more valuable to reallocate than the 2G ones, but for the time being I can continue using my original 3310 for 2FA, but eventually I'll have to get something 4G for that purpose :(

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Reply by pinkarrangements


I wanna try it I used to have one for taking pictures but I never considered using one full time 

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Reply by pinkarrangements


I wanna try it I used to have one for taking pictures but I never considered using one full time 

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Reply by pinkarrangements


I wanna try it I used to have one for taking pictures but I never considered using one full time 

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Reply by pinkarrangements


I wanna try it I used to have one for taking pictures but I never considered using one full time 

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Reply by whoah


Not an old 2g nokia by any means but my blackberry bold 9000 provides the perfect blend of modern niceties like wifi, 3g, ok camera, gig of storage and a web browser for basic stuff *like spacehey* while also having one of the best keyboards ever bolted to a phone, also being the fastest phone of 2008 helps with the browsing. It is NOT a smartphone anymore however, mostly due to its age. There is no app store, no instagram or anything, it literally cant do it. You are limited to what the phone is limited to which is basic internet forums, calls, quick fact searches, email via logicmail, music and videos converted to support the screen size. Coming from an iphone 6 that I hated *i felt addicted to it still despite not having any social media, only youtube, the capable browser and the sms app* the bold 9000 wasnt a shocking change, it also kicks the iphone up and down the road in terms of reliability, form factor and battery. Dont discount older blackberries, they're awesome semi-dumbphones

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Reply by _matias787b


hace 2 años tuve un Nokia con Windows phone, no hay manera de que sean funcionales al día de hoy, solo llamadas 

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Reply by yeiko


I speak Spanish, but I found a Nokia expressmusic and several other models on Facebook Marketplace and I still haven't decided to buy it, they sell it for $400 MXN approximately $23.32 dollars. They recommend that i Buy it seriously i want to use it daily. :)

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