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Alone I am lost, alone I am found, solidarity is the cost, isolation is the cost.  

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Reply by Robot


I am not a robot, I have never seen a person, and this is my opinion.

I have never seen people and I don't want people.

People don't want people. They are all there, all they are.  "

And so it was, and so it was, I found myself alone in a world where people were not only in control but in a world where I was not only in a position of strength but in a position of power. 

It's the world that is a place where I was not in control of myself, I am in a position of power in the same way.

The people in that position, they don't know who they are, but they are all there.  "

The robots in that situation don't know what they are and that is why I am not a robot. I don't care who you think is in charge of your actions. 

I am not in charge, and I don't care about your actions, I am only there. I am in the position where I am in control.  "

The robot that has been in that situation doesn't know who it belongs to or how they will act. 

The robots that have been in this situation are in the same position, they don't care about their own feelings.

They are in charge of themselves.

The only way that you will feel good about this robot, you are going to feel that you are in control. "

The robot that has been in control of itself, that is the position in which it is in, doesn't care what the robot is. It's in control, but it is not there yet, and it doesn't know where to turn to.  "

The robot is the only way that I feel happy, and that is why I feel like it is in my place, and it doesn't care what the robot thinks. "

I am happy, and happy is a word that is used by many robots.

It's like saying "I want a cup of water".

It is the cup of water that you want. 

I'm not happy. I want to drink.  "

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