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Concept for a minecraft clone ill make eventually

Posted by idoblenderstuffs


Forum: Games

im busy working on another game right now, so i wont get around to it for a couple years, but i wanted to share some ideas i had for a minecraft ripoff that could actually be unique.

1. although custom skins in java are nice, i wanna do something more like how bedrock does it these days but HEAR ME OUT, not through microtransactions. i like the idea of each world starting you off with maybe a couple default skin options, but as you progress through the game you can craft, unlock, or find new clothing items or hairstyles etc to use on your character.

2. instead of a day-night cycle, an entire year round one would be interesting. each day also being longer than minecraft though since 10 minutes might be too short, and i want to make beds harder to get too so it would accomodate for the early game. as you play the game, it would cycle through the seasons, winter being colder conditions, and summer being hotter conditions, etc. each season would change up the gameplay and maybe have different mobs that spawn in or come out of hibernation for the season. i also like the idea of the player being able to craft a calendar that keeps track of the current time of year.

3. grid based crafting would be no more. although it looks like a really cool idea, it doesnt really work that well when you think about it. if you were to sit there and to craft something off the top of your head, with no minecraft experience, it would not feel fun or intuitive to place random things and you would likely not find any recipes you like. the crafting runs purely off of looking it up online or your friend asking you. minecraft sorta fixed this with the recipe book but now you dint even need to interact with the grid based crafting anymore. i find myself more often just using the recipe book to do it faster. i think a more escapists style crafting would work, but when you place items in it would give you suggestions on what other objects to combine it with.

4. more dimensions. minecraft only having 3 (and the end being neglected for like 10 years) isnt really using the dimensional potential. im thinking somewhere around 9 dimensions would be cool, and its encouraged to end up at a point where you dont need the overworld anymore, your primary residence being somewhere else. i like the idea of a dimension called "the slip", which may be nether inspired, but might be something darker. maybe you can only enter the slip on accident, or from something like being attacked by phantoms after not sleeping for too long (i wont be adding phantoms lmao but its a good minecrafty example of what type of entry it could be). also maybe an aether like dimension, and one based on xen from half life.

MISC. different variations or shapes of blocks should be done with a woodcutter for wood types or stonecutters etc. like with a woodcutter station, you could inout wood blocks and get out slabs, stairs, vertical slabs, anything made up from the 8 sectors of one block.

there should be items that expand tour inventory, since minecraft has its issues with that. backpacks, stuff like that.

maybe the game could take on an art style like how the minecraft trailers look. i dunno tho.

i dont really know what it would be called at all but i wanna hear anyone elses ideas for this.

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