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How do we feel about the recent rise in the coquette style?

Coquette has been around for awhile but it hasn’t always been such a mainstream style, how do you feel about this style becoming more ‘trendy’ or ‘mainstream’??

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Reply by Lotta


I honestly like the style itself. It's rlly cute in my opinion, especially the laces and ribbons. However i don't like the discourse about wether or not it's adult women infantilising themselves. I don't think that they want to do that and there's nothing bad in coquette style.

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Reply by nolace?!?


it's cute!! fashion trends eventually strike every subgenre xP 

it kind of sucks knowing a lot of people just see it as a trend and some people trend hop, just dressing with whatever is in style at the moment.

BUTTT! it helps specifically younger people experiment with fashion and even if they don't stick with it forever!!

like a lot of millennials who had an emo/scene phase and 'grew out of it', they 100% still dabble or are very into alternative fashion. fashion trends help figure out who you are!

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Reply by de !


i think it's rly cute!! i'm glad some of the younger generation is getting comfortable w exploring different styles more :)

personally i wish the cultures around aesthetics were different -- "you MUST be one of a select set of styles, look down on everything else & never wear clothes outside of that genre" -- that seems to be how my younger relatives see it anyway

the one thing i think it really bad is the romanticization of books like lolita, those lana songs & pedophilia as a whole. these kids r rly impressionable & they're getting far too comfortable with those sorts of things imo

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Reply by strawLuberry.


more people can accept their feminine energy,so I'm glad about it

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