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Posted by Not David Draiman


Forum: General

to whom it may concern! i once had a facebook, but after the bot control site got too outta hand with selling my personal info, bombarding me with too much drama, and going as far as putting me in facebook jail for no apparent reason, i decided to deactivate it. years after doing so, someone hacked into my old facebook account and reactivated it, and facebook managed to link the old account to my instagram, thus making instagram whore off my personal info to a point of being too close for comfort. ideally i wish to deactivate my instagram for this reason, and eventually plan on using this account more often. i don't like the idea of giving a picture of my drivers license to facebook to assure that its me. i refuse to because it is none of their damn business. it is nobody's business except for the government and mine alone. any of you who are my personal friends, you will know my real name, and i refuse to use it on social media for it is not deserving for the public to know. but any of you who know me personally will know me, and will know who i am by the name i use on this profile, for it is a expressive frustration that, years later, turned into an inside joke. therefor whoever knows me personally can easily find me. but don't fret, if i don't know you, i'll still add you on here. for i am a musician, trying to spread my bands work so that i can live a stable life off of my bands work. we have a new single out on bandcamp, Despair, and we eventually plan on marketing our band to other platforms such as spotify, pandora, apple music, sound cloud etc. the name of the band is Death Of Ares, and we are a djent style groove metal band. feel free to chat, i am too engaging for my own good when it comes to social media. 

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Reply by Mariah B


I used to have a Facebook for years, but when I started speaking out against (that thing that happened four years ago) they immediately struck all of my posts to where no one would see them. Communism at its finest.

Then yeah, the information wars thing happened and my information was leaked as well. Garbage site, Facebook.

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Reply by Not David Draiman


so its funny you mentioned that. i remember getting a 48 hour ban for "hate speech" for posting against columbus day. while in the same breath, its ok for neo nazis to post their jew hating white supremacist garbage. i remember someone kept posting some fake made up stuff about jews, and promoting it as factual, and facebook did nothing with that. im so happy colleagues of mine, however, did something about it. im grateful for my colleagues. its like hate groups and trolls get the advantage cause facebook tends to cater to those types of people. trolls almost never get banned on there, because facebook seems to like them for being on all the time i guess. its gotten so bad, facebook does nothing about fake news, and then says they get rid of fake news, even though its not always fake news, half the time they see it as fake news because zuckerberg and the people who work for him personally dont agree with it, or just programmed by bots 90% of the time. 

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