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How do I get a guy to stop pursuing me?

Posted by Saggy


Forum: Helping each other

So I recently went to a friend's friend's party (I know a lil complicated) and one of her guy friends who is known to not talk to ppl easily took a lot of interest in me. I noticed it immediately and others did as well so my insta was given to this guy. We've been dming and he's a sweet dude but I've been very clear on not wanting anything serious rn and even though he said that was cool he is still trying to I guess create chemistry? I think he thinks that I meant I wanted to take things slow? but i just want to be alone rn. It really sucks cause he's fun to talk to and i don't want to be rude and leave him on read but mannnnnn i don't want this to get too deep and for him to feel hurt. Please any advice? 

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Reply by overcomplexification


Be more clear with him, tell him straight up that you don't want anything romantic with anyone and that you just want friends.

it's better to be more clear from the get go, otherwise he might still think you mean you want to take things slowly and that will only hurt you both in the long run.

I hope that was somewhat helpful.

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Reply by Saggy



Thanks for your reply! In the end, I had to block him because I had made it clear on 3 separate occasions that I did not want anything relationship-wise. He kept saying he understood but kept trying to make plans so i stopped responding. Looks like that pissed him off and he started stalking me saying he knew i saw his messages and blah blah blah. So yeah lesson learned hahaha. 

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Reply by vcka


if he ever bothers you more in the future let someone else know just in case
men like that are freaks

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