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Leaving school

I'm currently in high school, but I'm very close to leaving and im having a dilemma ive always been infatuated with music and everything about it and i have a option to go to college to study it which i really want to do but the degree is completely useless as there is no jobs in that industry that pay well enough so like WHAT DO I DO 

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Reply by Cam44a


 Si lo que te apasiona es la música deberias tomar la oportunidad de estudiar eso, digo el título te servira al menos para ser profesor de eso supongo, y bueno seguro tienes una buena salida laboral de eso, (aunque obvio no se si lo que quieres es ser profesor de musica, pero te sirve como una base mientras consigues trabajo de lo que quieres). :)

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Reply by P1RAT3MAT3R1AL


Honestamente, amo muchísimo la música, no tengo un objetivo final excepto tocar en bandas por diversión. Lo más probable es que aprenda un oficio especializado como la mayoría de los miembros de mi familia. Es una forma más fácil de no arruinarse. También gracias por la respuesta :)

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Reply by Jinnicide


it's helpful to remember that you will, in all likelihood, have SEVERAL different careers over your lifetime and that what you are concerned about right now is what you want your FIRST career to be. since you are so young, try to strike a balance between what makes good money and what you genuineley enjoy doing (ie: if you like art...go for graphic design, it's a viable profession that will allow you to be creative while also bringing in a respectable paycheck). your college major (unless it's something like law or medicine) will likely never actually dictate what you end up doing with the rest of your life, study what interests you, get really good at ONE THING (seriously, mastery will help you more than generalism will), and just take it from there. life is crazy, you'll never know where it will take you if you let it!

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Reply by lily ★


maybe do something else u have an interest in (very important that u have some interest!!!!!!) and then work on music outside of school!!

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