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What's the first thing I should buy online and do you have any tips on staying safe when shopping online ?

Posted by Em


Forum: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Hey! I am back online !! and I have gotten a debit card,

and I really wanna try shopping online for the first time.

Thing is I have no idea how to, my family never really shopped online , my mom was always cautious of it and we never ordered anything online not even food delivery or anything and when she did I was never there to seee how it was done.

BUT anyway now I wanna try soo send me links to cool, aesthetic ,cheep ,useful things I could buy and if you have any tips please feel free to share I encourage it.

and also same with purchasing services online too. 

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Reply by Chi ✽ ໋ 。


hihihi! a good tip for when buying online on a bigger type of store like aliexpress is to prefer items with reviews so you're sure they're legit! this works for other shops too, and usually promoted smaller stores tend to be reliable as well (like when creators give you 10% off codes on their content)! also always check for the measurements on clothing! c:

ps. try not to let any website save your card info! 

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