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2000s tech - using it today

I've been really trying to get myself off of my phone more. I feel like I abuse being on that thing waaaay too much. The way I'm going to try to solve this is using old tech. I ordered myself an iPod nano to use, and I plan on getting a flip phone to carry around. Do you guys have anything like this? LMK! :-)

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Reply by L-J


i started using my ipod again! not like the ones with the round discs ONLY for music but mine can do all sorts i love itttt

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Reply by M0R0NTV


Thats cool! I have one of the ones that clip on to stuff. Its nice, and I will probably still be using it, but it being so small makes me nervous it's going to get lost. I rather have another... plus I like when tech is different colors.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Yes. I even have a portable DVD player and a digital camera that are both from the 2000s (and silver colored, as many electronics from back then were).

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Reply by Zime


So swag.

I have a DVD player (wich also plays music), a PS3, an MP3 player, a CRT TV and other stuff that i have yet to find where i put :P

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Reply by ItsAlex97


I've been rocking a neat little beige 17" crt monitor for the last month or so. And even despite being from 02, it's got a surprisingly crisp and sharp image! It really brings back that nostalgic feeling of browsing the web on my old family pc.

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Reply by violet


i feel the same and i carry a flip phone, though not an old one cause i don't have 2g/3g. i listen to music on a discman i foudn on ebay cause i love buying and collecting CDs!

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Reply by violet


and i also have a late 90s/early 2000s i believe canon minidv camcorder

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Reply by abelorio


I use an iPod Nano every day, although it doesn't help much with my social media addiction. I have a lot of old phones (Motorola V3, Blackberry 8310, iPhone 3GS, etc.) but I only use them when I go out with my friends to take cool pictures and to feel like I'm in the 00s. When I go home I use my phone or computer again, so it really doesn't help much.

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