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I Thought id make a list of websites with cool GRAPHICS! BLINKIES! GIFS! and/or STAMPS!

Posted by Rae_Rae


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

For those just making their profiles, Here's a bunch of really handy websites that are collections of (mainly 2000's style) graphics! there's something here for everyone from scene to cutesy! 

enjoy!  ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-

Gifs & Graphics!

https://mikejima.crd.co/#m - a heap of gifs in all shapes, sizes and colours! 

https://graphic.neocities.org/directory - a lot of small gifs mainly cutesy but some others! 

https://pixels.crd.co/#pixels - a ton of little gifs with a big variety in style's 

https://www.glitter-graphics.com/- the name is pretty self-explanatory, good for mcbling and scene

http://mysmilies.com/ - a lot of smilies 

https://web.badges.world/ - a lot of badges 

https://murderscene.neocities.org/ - not specifically a graphics site but has a good emo collection! 

https://murderscene.neocities.org/ - another not graphics site per say but also has a bunch of  emo graphics


https://plasticdino.neocities.org/blinkie/blinkies- This person's collection is massive 

https://blinki.es/ - a site pretty much just for blinkies of all kinds 

https://blinkies.neocities.org/ - "the blinkie hoard"

https://arkmsworld.neocities.org/arkmspixels - blinkies and some other things 


https://pookatoo.com/ - fun fonts 

https://glowtxt.com/ -  more of similar fun fonts 

https://textcraft.net/ - make fonts reminiscent of pop culture 

I can do more if you want! just ask if your looking for anything in particular and I may be able to help (๑>ᴗ<๑)

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Reply by ୨୨Soup୧୧۫


hiiii, how to use the blinkie hoard?? like, there's no link to copy

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