Of Madness and Mis -understanding ...
As madness while obscured in comforting one's kindred (or of simply, the initial stage of a psychosis concealed), is to overcast those distrusted of ever endearing traits withheld from any other -while also denied are the depths of those darkest of twisted delight that dare surface, are born of this sordid sense, a hunger, of great thirst and for the obsessive few who should lust (at least) for that of shared "love-making" only, but instead of who's consistent self serving distorts to this rather -so warped retelling of fellow courtship, which is now of course impatiently embarked upon and may indicate a grave sickness of sorts (as is ones own mind split to simply store away from sight) or to horrify first hand of those closest -because to self indulge this sickened state time and again, with the intent to confuse as to pervert an accepted insanity (or that of the adopted facade of mental wellbeing) ...While of those willfully deceived -"A pillar of his community" (they applauded) as the "trusted citizen" is hailed (such is their blind sighted bias at best) -but to which only he accepts the truth, and of the understanding toward the darkness within himself, as to within ourselves -a madness ...The End ...