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Turned into a movie/show

If you could have any creepypastas backstory/life turned into a movie or show, who would it be?! :33

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Reply by Khara


I th1nk th3 h0rr0r 0f th3 cr33pys 1s th4t 1s t0ld by a n0rm4l p3rs0n l1k3 y0u, 1f th3y w3r3 turn 1nt0 a m0v1e th3 cl0s3n3ss w0uld b3 l0st

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Reply by B10H4Z3


i think eyeless jack would be a cool one!! it would be kinda hard to turn most creepypastas into movies or anything like that tho, cuz like the stories usually dont rlly make any sense lolz 

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