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Do you consider your SpaceHey followers your friends?

Posted by Sent To Destroy


Forum: SpaceHey

Exactly what it says on the tin. Personally, I consider most, if not all of my SpaceHey followers my actual friends, though that's probably I usually make a effort to talk about their interests, (even their interests aren't my own,)  anything going on our lives (unless it's too personal,) and anything going on online. I'd say it's different from following someone on, say, YouTube, in that, normally, you follow someone on YouTube because you enjoy the content they make, rather follow them because you enjoy their company.

I'm curious what other people think about this. I know there's a popular debate weather or not internet friends in general count as real friends, so there's that.

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Reply by NosyCat


It depends?! Of course you can make real friends online. Doesn't mean everyone online is a friend, no matter what social media apps call them. An old friend followed me here, otherwise it's just people I met. And that's perfectly fine.

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Reply by — RIDDLE !!


i feel like people friend eachother pretty quickly on here so itd be hard to consider em all actual friends right awayyyy? more like.... 'people id LIKE to be friends with'!!!

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Reply by Sneeze


not really but i'm sure given enough time we could become friends. Although I feel that this website, at least to me, is more intimate or personal. On other social media apps i have(instagram) i feel the pressure to not post things that don't align with how others perceive me, especially since my friends and family follow me but on here nobody knows me so I feel like I can really be myself. So I do feel more of sense of closeness to the people i interact with on this site compared to others.

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Reply by Sneeze


bro i yap too much 

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