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single mic drum mastering

Posted by joan


Forum: Music

i’ve been trying to record drums recently, and i bought 2 mics online (sm57 for bass drum and sm58 for overhead). recording my drums is a breeze but mastering it always makes it sound like shit :( if anyone has any advice or tips i’d greatly appreciate it!

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3 Replies

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Reply by Paul Konrad Kaspar


did you try some EQ, compression, overdrive, distortion? You should also try some different positions of your mics. a setting with 2 mics will always have a vintage vibe.

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Reply by matthewwb


Can you be more specific about what you don’t like about the sound, what you mean by mastering (mixing?), and where your mics are positioned?

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Reply by Cashlin


yeah more details and description of what seems wrong will help. preamp filters can help and i find using a preamp filter and then doing a background noise denoising type processing can help you pinpoint the signal of the instrument you want if you dont have a sound proof area and want a little more control over that. also like what kind of mastering effect are you using, what is it you dont like about it, what setup are you using to listen back to it, all stuff that could help people respond here (or if youre really looking for experienced responses you could ask on an audio website forum and i bet a ton of people would be happy to give their thoughts and advice)

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