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What is the difference between Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST?

Posted by xnPro


Forum: Deranged SpaceHey Gamers Group

I have Halo 3 disc for my Xbox 360, but I also found out about another videogame called Halo 3 ODST. Is it the same or there is something different?

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Reply by RavensForestStudios


ODST was originally going to be DLC for Halo 3 but was made into its own game, its a game that takes place either during Halo 2 or between Halo 2 or 3, I honestly forgot but I think its during Halo 2

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Reply by xnPro


Is it worth play?

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Reply by zombie


absolutely play halo 3 odst. its such a vibe change and breaks away from the unstoppable beast mastter chief gameplay. its like your a lone soldier in a forgotten battle. its my favourite halo game by far. however both halo 2 and odst are close. 

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