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There is a huge issue with spam in layouts.

Posted by Melrose


Forum: SpaceHey

I feel like this address could end up causing a lot of issues for the layout coders here. I've noticed there's people uploading their personal images on layouts as well, which is not where they should be, and posting stolen layouts from other authors on the site. Can a mod buckle down on this? We've been flooded with bots since the last two downtimes, maybe some bot protection might be required?

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Reply by Melrose


For those reposting layouts from other users. Please don't. It's annoying, clutters space on the list, and puts more work onto Spacehey's admin and mod team to deal with. If photo uploads are what you want, go to Imgur.com use that and hotlink them here instead of posting them in layouts. Common sense people, come on.

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Reply by eternity


i noticed this the other day, though i wasn't aware it was such a huge issue which is a bit sad.

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Reply by Melrose


@Eternity It is a huge issue. Layout makers put a lot of work into the coding and people shouldn't take out credits or repost them, it's literal theft of the original authors work. The spam however has gone down significantly with reporting and blocking the bot accounts. Hopefully An is able to figure out a way to keep the bots from having access to the posting content sections of the site with bot checks of some kind, but as of right now it's still free game for them, and report frenzy for the rest of us.

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