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got shadowbanned on youtube

lets say i make a video about furries, it gets 2K views. i then make another one on furries, now it gets 100 views. videos after that get 0-10 views. well shit, what do i do? i'm kinda in limbo right now

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Reply by Sofia Florina


Kinda sad actually, hug for you because I'm doing YouTube too.

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Reply by Anarion998


modern YouTube with its system especially with this political correctness sucks, in the summer i got deleted my channel that I had been running since school

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Reply by Carboniferous


Maybe your first video was just a one-hit wonder?

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Reply by The Newspeak Corporation


Yeah, it is getting out of hand. My comments disappear on videos or they are just invisible. I can go look for my comment on a video and see it when I am logging in, but if I get on another computer NOT logged into my account, the shit is nowhere to be found. It is really quite fucked. It is almost another form of psychological warfare

I am sorry to hear that about your channel, what "did you do" ? 

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