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aim in 2020

my screen name is tomas2008

if you dont know how to get aim in 2020
the info is here: http://iwarg.ddns.net/phoenix/index.php

watch out, the site is not safe, use a diffrent password from the one you use everythere
but the downloads are, i reccomend the app pidgin bc its compatible with win 10

you can search tutorials on yt (i think)
 the tutorial on how to patch the client is on the website

comment any questions and ill anwser you
(this is the same post that is on my blog)

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13 Replies

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Reply by bongwaterdrinker


i would have really loved to use this but it feels so complicated to work out LOL i downloaded it and cant connect to their servers and i cant quite seem to figure out how to configure everything ^_^;;

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Reply by steb•wash


Yo, when posting ur topic make sure u select the proper forum to post it to.  Looks like u probably meant to post this to the Web, HTML, Tech forum but ended up posting it to the Art and Photography forum because that's the first one on the list in the drop down box.  I made this goof as well when I made my first couple topics so I'm just tryna look out for my fellow Spaceheyers!  It's confusing because if ur already in the forum you're trying to post in, you still have to select the proper forum when actually making ur topic.

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Reply by Lolly


I tried using this but it kept killing my computer.

I do miss AIM though.
What do you guys think is the "new" AIM? Whatsapp? Telegram? Discord?

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Reply by electroslag


I use discord for pretty much everything nowadays, AIM only works if everyone else switches too and I don't think they are gonna hahahah

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Reply by Kriptk


Telegram has become my go to messenger. And the new group voice feature reminds me of discord. 

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Reply by xxPawlinaPoisonxx AKA "Alastoria"


actually discord has too many bad 2010-20s vibezz, I`ll rather use whatsapp. & i`m nervous to use telegram.

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Reply by Dakota Blue


I miss the aol messenger days.. 

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Reply by Paige


What about ICQ It looks similar to other instant messengers. Does anyone have any experience with it?

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Reply by zrcalo


my aim is Xrcalo

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Reply by NinjaKat2



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Reply by james


i mean honestly telegram is a good replacement...

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Reply by Eliott XD


yeh, i use the same Aim thingy. Phoenix is prety kool XD 

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Reply by Quartz


Fun novelty, but doesn't seem practical for me. I dislike Discord, but I have to use what my friends and communities use. If I was going to try to talk my friends into using another chat platform it'd be IRC because it's retro but still practical or Signal for security.

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